On Saturday I took four kids to the local splashpad, two of whom are Type 1. My daughter Rosie, my son (non-d), and our two neighbors-- a girl Rosie's age, and a boy my son's age-- and who is also Type 1.
It was nice, having another d-kid and sibling with us... not to mention that these kids are all good friends. Nobody batted an eye when we pulled out two meters and did two finger pokes. None of the four kids complained when they needed to sit after their snack for a few minutes and allow the d-kids to come up a little (from 84 and 83) before they ran off to play some more. Any time we go places with non-d kids we have to explain and make a big deal out of testing and waiting... with these four, it was just a normal thing. It was great!
Unfortunately, last night was not so nice. I changed Rosie's site after supper, and apparently a wrinkle in the adhesive kept the catheter from going all the way in. Coincidentally, we also got ice cream last night, something we rarely do. Around 11pm she spiked up to 537, complete with vomiting and headache. A site change, a couple of hours on the couch, and a 200% basal finally brought her down-- around 3am she was down to 194, and we finally went to bed. Then, at her 6am check, she was low-- 49. I don't know if that was from over-correcting the high, or if it was just normal, because the last two days she had also been low around that time. At any rate, it was a long night that was very short on sleep!