In the midst of everything else, though, we have been dealing with the Enlite. And that's how we feel about it right now.... we're dealing with it. Right now, our issues are:
- The majority of the time when Rosie enters a blood sugar reading, it then alarms and tells her there's a calibration error.
- It's alarming so often that Rosie is now ignoring the alarms and sometimes shuts them off without even reading them.... which defeats the purpose of the alarms. We're working on this with her, but she's 10, and the constant alarms are embarrassing to her.
- I have never personally seen the reading be closer than 30-40 points off from a finger stick reading. Rosie says it has been closer a few times at school. (Our Dexcom was often exactly the same as the finger stick number we would enter.)
- At night, if Rosie has a heavy blanket on, I can't hear the alarms. With her Dexcom we put it on her nightstand, and I could clearly hear the alarm a few doors down in my bedroom. We're going to have to go back to using a baby monitor.
- We went through four sensors in the first week. The first few days seemed to be fine, but then Rosie had three come out within the next few days. We've resorted to adding strips of IV3000 patches over top of the sensor just to keep it in.
P.S. In the time it took for me to type this post it has alarmed twice. Once to tell Rosie there was a calibration error (half an hour after she entered a finger stick number--??) and then a few minutes later to tell her to put in a new sensor. That sensor was new four hours ago. Arrrrghhhhhh!

Thinking of you and your family at this difficult time. Despite all the frustrating situations, sounds like you all have kept soldiering on. You will soon figure out what works!