Our D-history:

My daughter, *Rosie, was five years old when she was diagnosed on September 19, 2008, with Type I Diabetes. We started out on MDI, but in October 2010 we switched to a pump. We also added a Dexcom CGM in May of 2011. In February 2014 we changed to the Medtronic Enlite system- a pump and CGM all in one.

*Rosie is not her real name... I let her pick her own pseudonym for the blog!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Quick Update

Rosie is in the sixth grade now, and so far things have gone well with school this year.   Her teachers continue to let her test and treat in the classroom as needed, and she only goes to the clinic if a site comes out (she needs to call a parent for that) or she needs medicine for a headache (usually from being high and coming down quickly).

We stopped using the Enlite in late Spring.  The constant alarms and conflicting advice we got from the "help" line were just too frustrating.  Rosie was in tears several times about it.  We decided that it just wasn't worth it for us, so we've gone without a CGM for a couple of months now.  We're hoping to change back to a Dexcom system this Fall, if our insurance will allow it.

Otherwise, not much new in Rosie's d-world.  We're finding that the older she gets, the more diabetes is taking a back seat to her other activities-- and that's exactly how we want it.

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Next to the doctor's office, I think some of the best diabetes tips I've ever gotten have come from discussions in the comment sections of diabetes blogs. :)