Our D-history:

My daughter, *Rosie, was five years old when she was diagnosed on September 19, 2008, with Type I Diabetes. We started out on MDI, but in October 2010 we switched to a pump. We also added a Dexcom CGM in May of 2011. In February 2014 we changed to the Medtronic Enlite system- a pump and CGM all in one.

*Rosie is not her real name... I let her pick her own pseudonym for the blog!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Post-Op Update

Rosie's surgical procedure went very well yesterday.  We had to be there at 6:30am, and we were home by 11am.  We couldn't have asked for nicer nurses- we are blessed to have such a great childrens' hospital nearby!

Rosie's blood sugar was 145 right before surgery... amazing, considering all the morning highs she's had lately.  After surgery she was 209, and she stayed in the lower-to-mid 200's for a couple of hours.... then her numbers really shot up.  By midnight she was 600, despite having been on a 200% temp basal for a couple of hours.  It was crazy.  I changed her site to a tummy site (she seems to get better numbers with those) and by morning she was back down in the lower 200's with no ketones.  Whew!

Today she's been fine.  Still running in the lower 200's, which obviously is high, but nothing that's really worrying us.  We're treating the numbers and moving on, just like any other day.
  I'm posting daily in November in honor of Diabetes Awareness Month and the WEGO Health's National Health Blog Post Month. #NHBPM

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that everything went well. Hoping for continued healing and stable numbers!


Next to the doctor's office, I think some of the best diabetes tips I've ever gotten have come from discussions in the comment sections of diabetes blogs. :)